"When you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated."

-Dr. Anthony Fauci

In light of recent revelations and ongoing support for the discussions held by Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein on their “DarkHorse Podcast,” it is imperative that Google/YouTube reconsider their decision to demonetize their channel. This demand calls for not only the re-monetization of their channel but also retroactive payments for the period during which their channel was unjustly demonetized.


Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein, both respected evolutionary biologists, have used their platform to explore a wide range of scientific and societal topics. Their podcast, “DarkHorse,” has been a beacon of thoughtful discourse, particularly on contentious issues such as COVID-19 treatments and vaccine safety. Despite their rigorous scientific approach, their channel was demonetized by YouTube, a move that has been criticized as an overreach and an act of censorship.

the truth

Recent data and studies have provided support for some of the claims made by Heying and Weinstein, particularly those surrounding the treatment of COVID-19 and vaccine-related issues. Their critical examination of mainstream scientific narratives has been validated by new findings, emphasizing the importance of their contributions to public discourse.

  1. Methodological Critiques: They have highlighted methodological flaws in studies that contradict science, showcasing their commitment to scientific integrity.
  2. Emerging Data: New research supports their skepticism about certain public health measures and treatments, underscoring the validity of their early perspectives.

The demonetization of the “DarkHorse Podcast” has not only stifled an important voice in scientific discourse but also set a concerning precedent for the treatment of dissenting scientific opinions on major platforms.

  1. Freedom of Speech: The demonetization undermines the principles of free speech and open scientific inquiry.
  2. Scientific Integrity: Heying and Weinstein’s dedication to exploring controversial topics through a rigorous scientific lens deserves support, not suppression.

We demand that Google/YouTube:

  1. Re-monetize the “DarkHorse Podcast” immediately to restore the channel’s ability to generate revenue from its valuable content.
  2. Retroactively compensate Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein for the period during which their channel was demonetized, acknowledging the financial impact of this unjust action.

Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein have consistently demonstrated a commitment to scientific exploration and open dialogue. Their demonetization by YouTube is a disservice to both the scientific community and the public. Re-monetizing their channel and providing retroactive compensation is not only fair but necessary to uphold the values of free speech and scientific integrity.


Use the hashtag #ReMonetizeDarkHorse to share your support on social media and demand justice for Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein.

This website is a call to action to support the reinstatement and fair treatment of the “DarkHorse Podcast” on YouTube. By standing together, we can ensure that vital scientific discourse is not silenced.